Angry Wife Syndrome is derived from the larger - 'Angry Woman Syndrome' . It is an informal term used to describe persistent and intense and deep anger one's wife nurses for her spouse. It may be caused by long-term stress, irritation, frustration, inability to get husband's attention or unprocessed cumulative emotional trauma over social occassions when the husband was missing at critical contact times pretending to be at work. It may be caused by long-term stress, frustration, or unprocessed emotional trauma over missed holidays family events and occassions.
My neighbour is an L& T executive. You can safely guess rest of the theme !
Yesterday, he was in trouble. It was 'AWS' at its peak. The wife had read his Bosses trolled '90 hour workweek' message all on Social Media.
She gave a penetrative look and demanded a strategic family time-flow discussion with my L&T friend. The most dreaded words were spoken - " we need to have a very serious conversation". The time flow budget discussion went the nervous husband happened as under:
(a) 168 hours a week - time
in-flow (24X 7)
(b) 168 hrs time out-flow
- 56 sleep hours (8×7)
- 14 travel (1 hour each way , thus 2 hours a day×7)
- 90 work (workdemand per new boss)
- 8 hours (ablution/food)
In line with the Corporate strategic plan, yesterday the husband also fired a salvo - " how long can I keep staring at your face ? I am now again going to work - Sundays included".
The cold killer stare he got back, froze him in time and told him part 2 of the unfinished story. He is now sitting with house-keeping paraphernalia sweeping the house, with a long grocery shopping list (which he had long not done), their son's hone-work books and the list of social interactions he had to undertake.
Now the poor guy is in real dilemma between the 2 bosses...all when life was running otherwise so smoothly.
To be here or to be there ... that is now the genuine question for him ! God save him both answers have survival implications ! What is this life if full of care, there is no time to stand and stare (even your own wife - indeed !!!)