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  • Writer's pictureAdil Malia

Common Generational Dilemmas ...

Whilst the time context may be different, each generation experiences similar conflicts vis-a-vis both - its previous and it's succeeding generations.

Every generation has the advantage of the knowledge, advancements in science, exposure to better tools and many such contributions made , built and contributed by its previous generation. Needless to say that all those Contrubutions make the new generation intellectually sharper. Their previous generation in its own time felt it so too of the previous generation before them.

Similarly, every generation believes that it is wiser than it's succeeding generation for they analyze patterns of the new generation to be frivolous, unusual, bizarre, odd , curious and peculiar compared to theirs. They believe these choices are miscalculated and would consequently lead to disastrous outcomes... certainly the new generation is imprudent, misguided and naive they say.

But the journey goes on. Generational conflicts in Societies and at work places is not of recent origin. Has been so through ages and times.

Creatively imagine the plight of a King in the Bronze Age who must have experienced his son - the Prince not carrying a Mace to the battlefield but instead insisting on carrying a new tool called - the Spear !!!

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