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The Inner Conflict Of The Manager

Writer's picture: Adil MaliaAdil Malia

There are two animals within each one of us..the Circus Animal and the Jungle Animal.

The Circus Animal is well trained for several years to behave differently. It is trained to perform tricks to suit the purpose of the Circus Trainer - sit, dance, stand on a stool, roar at a call et cetra. Our education, our cultural norms, our societal analytics, life experiences and our behavioural exposures are ways in which such training is provided and we are nurtured to make is, the people living in the society behave as per accepted social norms of neighbourhood.

The Jungle Animal on the other hand is untrained and natural. Relies on gut feel and understanding of natural patterns and symptoms...smells, sights, sounds, cosmic movements and such other natural prompts for its happy survival. It knows when to fight and it knows when to take a flight. But ofcourse, it cannot read, understand or analyze the stock-markets : bears or bulls though named after their behavioural instincts !

Our human life is further complicated by the fact that both these animals live within him.

Given a stimulation, both these animals react. The Circus Animal uses learnt behaviours - logic , pattern, analysis, education and knowledge to interpret the situation to accordingly plan its responses. On the other hand, the Jungle Animal uses gut - instincts, sounds, sight, smells, wind movements and such other unexplained inner prompts to interpret the stimulation and decide on its response.

Happy is the man whose Circus Animal and the Jungle Animal prompts responses which are synchronized and aligned to each other. Decision making becomes rather easy.Confused and lost is the man whose Jungle Animal and Circus Animal within are in a state of conflict with each other given the situation before it. The burden then is on the man who nurses both these animals - to listen to which voice ?

We all suffer many such living conflicts of decision making, day-in and day-out in our lives. The sharp , good looking, smart , well mannered , effectively communicating professional who the Circus Animal within you says ' hire for sales - all parameters match our proposed Job Description. But the Jungle animal within you prompts to tell - don't hire him, the air around him is heavy, not everything what he said smells right, he is a scared cow who is putting up a false brave bravado to only impress you. He is scared, artificial and an unauthentic pretender.

Now which voice should the person listen to in such a conflicting dilemma ? Voice of the Jungle Animal or decision of the Circus Animal ?

Situational. That's the easy answer. The real answer is - listen to the voice that you wish to mature in you.

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